
Golden Company 2022

zlatna firma 2022 | GPTS - печатни услуги, персонализирани подаръци

We are delighted to announce that Gipitiers is a winner in the 2022 Golden Company Project.

Over all these years, every award we have received has been due to many hours of tireless work and toil, and very often to working outside the hours provided. Thanks to our close-knit, hard-working and creative team, we managed to win this prestigious award.

Without you, our customers, this distinction would not have such value. Based on the feedback to each completed project or order, we climb another professional step. Thanks for all the positive comments and feedback online and beyond!

20230602 110848 scaled 5 | GPTS - печатни услуги, персонализирани подаръци
20230602 110834 scaled 5 | GPTS - печатни услуги, персонализирани подаръци