Summer is passing by imperceptibly, and the first day of school is approaching with rapid steps! If you have a student, then undoubtedly the fever of preparing him for the new school year has begun.
Over the past months we have been working on creating new high quality products that will benefit every student, big or small.
As parents, you have the option to choose between specific products and models or entire themed sets.
Our products can be fully customized – school backpack, pens, pencils, notebook, cap, gym t-shirt or additional one to school uniform (t-shirts are 100% cotton in color or white).
On top of all this, you can take advantage of our attractive discounts and rebates when you order more school supplies. Last but not least, we would like to point out that we place great emphasis on quality and precision craftsmanship.
Visit us in our two offices or make an inquiry and order through our online store!